Truth Singer & Social Shaman

A site for Personal Mythology and Social Shamanism. A place for our voices to speak their truths and share our unique selves without fear. Dedicated to living a life on purpose, helping others find their visions and lay the path to happiness. A home for all students of life striving towards spirituality, serving the universe and living our divine plans.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

I love a lot of Michael Parkes work and wish I could afford a TON of it as I find it often inspires me to write poetry. This is just a bad copy of one of his many many paintings, available at Posted by Hello

My beautiful eldest daughter, Amber Narae, and her best friend, also an Amber. She's about 8 months preggers in this shot and ready for Ian to make his debut. March 2005. Posted by Hello

My Grandson Ian Douglass Clark on his birthday at 1:24 a.m. April 12, 2005 in Anchorage, Alaska. I got to be there for it! What a thrill! Posted by Hello

Poem:The Voice of Hope

I wrote this a few years back as sort of an internal dialog/automatic writing.

The first line was always the excuse, question, prayer, hope, problem and the rest of the lines in a stanza were what I heard as an answer.

I know I write kind of flowery, but that's just how I see things and hear them. Hope its not too distracting. I reread this today because I was feeling really down. I had a few really UP weeks and then the past week has been let down after let down.

I can see that I'm running out of energy despite remembering to ground myself and I'm having a lot of trouble with indecision eating away my power. I hope this makes sense to others and perhaps means something to someone else. Thanks for listening. ______________________________________________________
October 13, 1999
Voice of Hope

Meditations on the inventions of the modern sin, stolen moments and aches that will not heal.

“Shove me, beat me, push me away, the garbage of society, a whole new way to feel”

You’ve been stripped of your humanity, invited the parasites,
Open up your rotting flesh and cleanse the need to fight,
I’ll bring the water of pure birth to wash away the dirt
Infections cured, diseases eased and all your pains and hurt.

“There’s no way to warm this chill, my soul’s far gone and sick...”

Open up your retching soul, expel the ancient grit
Spew the nights of loneliness and feed the candle wick.
Push away the hallowed grave, let new religion grow.
The kind that feeds on healthy things, the kind that lets life flow.

“Instill in me the sense of peace the need for better things.”

Open up your heart to receive wonder that life brings,
Throw up all the angered hate and scalding gulps of fear,
When the poison’s been let out, you will not disappear,
You’ll find the voice of childhood, a voice for all to hear.

“But how shall I survive these things, how can I be more?”

I’ll hold you in the dead of night, I’ll keep you safe and warm,
I’ll teach you with my body and I’ll keep you safe from harm.
Let the rift of life play on, let your spirit heal
Joy was never meant to carry all the guilt you feel.

“It’s been so long I’ve been away, so far that I’ve had to roam.”

That’s right my sweet evicted soul, but now you can come home,
The candle’s lit within your eyes, you have found your tao.
The rest and peace and love you seek are here beside you now,
Trust in yourself, you’ve earned this space, there’s no need to bow.

Goodnight for now, my sleeping light, and know this sheltered calm,
In the morning I will not be here, but hope will not have gone,
And every time you think to sob, or wail into the sky,
Remember this and wonder why,

When all was lost and mistakes were given flight,
She who caused this wicked vent, Pandora of the tale,
her eyes pained and sad with mortal blight,
looked into the box and HOPE still met her sight.

IF there but be one moment left, where in you make a choice,
Make it one you’ll never grieve, make it with YOUR voice.
Let the tone of truth ring out, and burn your fire bright.


Poem/ The Balance of Living, Part I

The Lady of the Moon begins her ascent across the velvety heavens,
her battle-maidens and the Night Warriors guard from behind,
following her trail, ever watchful and wary,
should any danger their Mistress find.

She carries her luminescent torch through the heavens,
its halo of dusky light surging forth without hesitation,
and though no one advances and lights her the way,
she admits to no fear save that of the lonely, bound by the rules of creation.

Leaving trembling uncertainty for paled and daintier brides,
the Huntress fears neither destiny nor ghosts,
she searches only for the Golden Hunter to join her for an evenings' ride,
to stand beside her as the celestial host.

A song of animal challenge pours forth from her smoothe, ivory throat,
for she knows the Hunter will hear her lyrical task,
and pause to wonder at its beauty before entering his gilded sky boat.
Once again, sailing swiftly out of her grasp, in search of his own mystery lady.

The Sun Lord ascends, his shimmering blade borne high in admission,
saluting the West whence traveled the Huntress with harvest moon tresses.
Dryad's leave their protective foliage in humble submission,
yet his heart pursues only the quest set without knowing
by the lady he chases and longs to possess...

...studded with comets and starlight, her gown is all that he sees,
though he hears from cocks-crow to twilight an echoing lyrical breeze,
a sweet song of loyal acceptance from the maidens that follow her lead,
he longs to embrace her & hold her with love, realizing that this is his need.

Reigning in his passions and inhaling her dew-moistened perfume,
he unfurls the length of his sails and speeds forth, the search to resume,
as he kens his need to be with her, a shelter from raw Northern gales,
the huntress looses a voice bolted with music, intending this time not to trail.

As the Queen of the evening draws nearer, and touches the edge of his cape,
The minions protecting the Sun Lord attempt to insure his escape,
and without a thought save to rescue, the Moon-Warriors joined in the fray,
each side unaware of the contact the Huntress and Hunter's eyes made.

A murmur of wonder arises & as quickly it started, the battle draws to a close.
The Lion and Lady are dancing, and all life quickens with revel and cheer.
Somewhere between Darkness and Daybreak we find the lovers that chose,
to wager their very existance to follow where the unfaithful would fear.

Gaining a magnum of romance, flesh touches and leaves their souls bare,
She offers her lips and their moisteness, he bends her beneath him and shares,
the strength of his body and takes her when none but the Sun Lord would dare.

Welcome to Truth Singer!

Thank you for stopping in at my blog. I decided today that I wanted to start an ongoing log (or blog in this case) to help track the many changes I'm making in my life.

Eventually I want this site to serve as my own personal mythology which in turn can help others like you, make purposeful changes in your lives which positively enhance your experiences here on earth and beyond.

I believe in many things and this blog will serve as my outlet for these beliefs. I want to share with those drawn here how I believe we are being led to raise our awareness, expand our minds and spirits and live our lives in alignment with the universe.

I believe that the message can be given in thousands of ways, and that for some, this blog could be a necessary step towards becoming your own person and loving yourself and your place in the world. I could use a pencil, pen, crayon, lip stick, tarot cards or mental e-mail to get the message to you but this time I am using the computer and this wonderful internet.

Welcome to my thoughts and musings. I welcome your thoughts and stories as well.