Truth Singer & Social Shaman

A site for Personal Mythology and Social Shamanism. A place for our voices to speak their truths and share our unique selves without fear. Dedicated to living a life on purpose, helping others find their visions and lay the path to happiness. A home for all students of life striving towards spirituality, serving the universe and living our divine plans.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

December on the Double M Ranch...

Well, having a few difficulties with the company. That's definitely going to create more work than I wanted to cope with but oh well, sometimes it's unavoidable.

Spent time outside with my brother while he was fixing the truck and took a few pics of the critters. What a bunch of characters. The little billy goat, Stranger, was thrown over our fence last year by someone who I guess thought we needed another goat. So one day he was just there. Went to feed the goats and there was an extra lol. Oddly enough we've sold most of them and kept him and the little nanny goat, Serea. She's pregnant right now and should be having babies sometime in Feb or March. The later the better. Though honestly if she's this huge now I don't know how she's going to last til then lol.
Anyway, Stranger was goofing around - he seems to have three things on his mind at any one time; sex, food, whacking horns and challenging someone to a head whacking duel. Here he is challenging our little mare, Duchess, and our big truck to a duel.
So last night it starts raining like mad, flashes of lightning and the kind of huge thunderclaps that shake the whole house. Gotta admire mother nature's handiwork when she gets to going! I love storms, so I was awake for hours listening to it. Then I get up and go outside to feed the animals and lo and behold! The neighbor's dead tree has broken and the top 30 feet are lying in our rock field.
So we drive the John Deere over and the pick up truck and start filling them with broken branches, sticks, twigs and logs. Had to saw some of it apart but it went fast enough I guess. Just strikes me as odd how, no matter where they start at, the neighbor's trees always fall on OUR side of the fence. I was thinking I should make a christmas card from the picture and send it to them saying Merry Christmas, your present is my not making you chop this crap up....again....any chance you will chop those down now? Before they take out the fence and you have to replace it?

Doubt they'd get the hint. They never do.

I did a christmas craft show at the beginning of the month. It didn't do well, not nearly as well as we'd hoped. I think a lot of families are just struggling to keep the heat on and food on the table. Especially in Arkansas where a "good job" pays less than minimum wage was in Seattle! Here's a shot of the lay out I had at the show, maybe it's too "busy" or something? I thought it looked great though! The lady next to me made 2 things, homemade recipe for red tomato relish and roasted green tomato relish. They were a bit too vinagary for my taste but I did like the red one pretty well. She was a real sweetheart too, so I had someone to chat with between lookers. I about went nuts on one lady who broke some clay garlands and ran away without paying for it, and another woman who's little boy had a gross nose and started pulling on one of the hats over his face to his lips. Smearing the inside with snot as he went. Fortunately his grandmother had some cooth, unlike his mom, and immediately shot her daughter a mean look, paid for the hat, apologized and dragged the little boy off. Nice to know someone in that family had manners!

So I guess that's enough blabbing for now. I'm sure I could rattle on for days but no doubt, I'd get tired of typing long before that point! Have a great tomorrow~ Merry Christmas (yes, I'm saying it and not "happy holidays" if you don't like it, tough, I believe in Christmas!)


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