Truth Singer & Social Shaman

A site for Personal Mythology and Social Shamanism. A place for our voices to speak their truths and share our unique selves without fear. Dedicated to living a life on purpose, helping others find their visions and lay the path to happiness. A home for all students of life striving towards spirituality, serving the universe and living our divine plans.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Wow what an ordeal

Amber Narae w/Ian (top), Olivia Elizabeth w/Ariana (R), & Ariana Nikole with William (L),

A lot has happened in two years! I have moved from Seattle, broken up with my boyfriend of five years, lived in a women's home for a while, had a beautiful granddaughter born and another grandson on the way (David but I call him Baird, he's due this Christmas!) and I'm in Arkansas now helping my 71 year old mother start a ranch raising miniature goats and miniature quarterhorses as well as starting an interstate trucking company! Whew! I'm exhausted already lol.

I'll load some pics up soon with the horses on them and such but mostly I just wanted to get back to what I had originally intended this website to be when I started. Someplace to muse about spiritual things and my inner dialog in the hopes that somehow it will help someone else!
Our miniature quarter horse Pegasus with his winter coat on, napping
Anyway, I'm back online, spending most of my time at and (I love this site!) So if you are looking for me, that's where I'll be. Be safe everyone!


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